JP’s Story
Jean Paul "JP" Morrell has been a relentless advocate for policies that place people first. JP started serving our community as a public defender right out of law school and later was elected to the State Legislature in 2006 – where he helped pass a historic package of laws to increase protections for the survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence and a constitutional amendment to require unanimous jury decisions in felony trials, undoing a Jim Crow-era law in Louisiana. JP never backed down from impossible fights when he knew what was best for the people of our city.
While serving, JP championed progressive policies, such as the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and to end the “Pink Tax,” which aimed to make diapers and feminine hygiene products more affordable. As Chair of the Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Committee, he led negotiations to finally stabilize the state's budget, finally securing desperately-needed investment in our colleges, universities, and hospitals.
JP fights for our city’s future because it is his home. He was born and raised in the 7th Ward in Mirabeau Gardens with his three brothers, Todd, Matthew and Nicholas. His grandfather, Reynard, a retired merchant marine, lived next door. After graduating from Spring Hill College, JP returned to New Orleans and graduated from Tulane Law School. He started his legal career as a Public Defender until he was elected to serve in the State Legislature.
His mother, Cynthia, was a career educator and the Principal of McDonough #15, JP learned the value of a quality public education for every New Orleanian. His dad, Arthur, worked his way through law school while helping to provide for his family and inspired JP to pursue his own legal career.
JP learned the value of personal integrity and how to fairly, but tenaciously, pursue justice no matter the odds. He knows firsthand about the challenges our city faces from gun violence to affordable housing to quality schools to good-paying jobs.
JP was the managing partner of a small family law firm until expanding his practice, focusing on commercial litigation. He and his wife Catherine, a pediatric oncology nurse at Children’s Hospital, are proud to raise their three children - Jude, Fiona and Alex - in Gentilly, the same neighborhood where JP grew up.
JP has always focused his advocacy on solutions and is committed to fighting for the changes needed to make our city the best that it can be for all of us.
New Orleans Coalition “President’s Award” 2019
New Orleans Coalition “Leadership Award” 2019
LIFT Louisiana "RBG Award" 2019
Urban League of Louisiana “Liberty and Justice Award” 2019
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, “National Liberty and Justice Award” 2019
Louisiana Appleseed “Good Apple Award” 2019
Louisiana Hospitality Industry “Friend of Hospitality Award” 2019
Historic Tax Credit Coalition “Historic Tax Credit Champion” 2019
Horseman Benevolent and Protection Association “Triple Crown Award” 2019
Greater New Orleans, Inc “Appreciation Award” 2019
Policy Institute for Children “Legislative Advocacy Award” 2019
Louisiana Hospital Association “Legislative Champion Award” 2018
EMERGE Louisiana “Male Ally of the Year” 2018
Alliance for Good Government “Legislator of the Year” 2018
Patient Access for Louisiana “Patient Champion” 2018
Louisiana Democratic Party “Legislative Hero Award” 2018
National Congress of Black Women “Excellent Service Award” 2018
Innocence Project of New Orleans “Persistence Award” 2018
Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers “President’s Award” 2018
Louisiana Budget Project “Legislative Recognition: Expanding Earned Income Tax Project” 2018
Louisiana SPCA “Dorothy Dorsett Brown Humanitarian Award” 2018
Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault “Legislative Champion” 2018
Sexual Trauma And Response (STAR) “Legislative Champion” 2017
Childcare Association of Louisiana “Senator of the Year” 2017
United Way of Southeast Louisiana “Legislative Champion” 2017
Louisiana Hospital Association “Legislative Healthcare Champion” 2017
HADASA “Advocacy Education Award” 2017
Louisiana Counseling Association “Distinguished Legislative Service Award” 2017
Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center “Mondale-Brooks Award” 2016
United Way of Southeast Louisiana “Legislative Champion” 2016
Crimestoppers “George Loker Community Service Award” 2016
Louisiana Association of Marriage and Family Therapist “Family Advocacy Award” 2015
Louisiana Federation for Children “Education Choice Champion” 2015
Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault “Legislative Champion” 2015
United Way of Southeast Louisiana “Legislative Champion” 2015
Citizens for 1 New Orleans “Legislative Leadership Award” 2014
Ports of Louisiana “Leadership Award”2014