The broken system said change was impossible.
JP assured us, “We got this.”
As a lifelong Democrat representing New Orleans in a divided state legislature, the odds were against JP and his reform agenda. With determination and collaboration, he overcame obstacles to achieve the impossible, including…
JP defeated 135 years of Jim Crow with his bill ending Split Juries
“You don’t get the benefit of saying something is born in racism, and say, ‘It is what it is.’ That’s ridiculous, ladies and gentlemen.”
- JP’s remarks on his unanimous juries bill
JP fought for equality for women to end the Pink Tax
“If Viagra is tax exempt, how can we say diapers and tampons shouldn’t be?”
-JP’s remarks on his bill to end taxes on feminine hygiene products and diapers
JP protected victims of domestic violence & beat the NRA
“I’m so tired of people telling me how inconvenient it is to look out for the victims of domestic violence.”
-JP’s remarks on his gun control bill