JP Morrell, Standing Alongside Community Advocates, Launches His Campaign For Change

This is it. We’re launching our campaign to make the City work for you - not against you. 

I’m ready to tackle New Orleans’ biggest challenges. But, like every obstacle I’ve confronted throughout my public service, I know I can’t do it alone. I need your voice, your support, and your passion. I hope you’ll join our team

I’m running for New Orleans City Council At-Large, Division 2 to represent you and your ideas. I’m proud to be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with our community’s strongest advocates – some of whom joined me in our announcement video... check it out: 

I love New Orleans, but we shouldn’t be burdened by the same problems that have lasted generations: violent crime, economic inequity, and crumbling infrastructure. To end the cycle of stagnation, we need to do things differently. I learned this in a divided state legislature, where, as a progressive Democrat, I partnered with advocates to achieve the impossible – like ending racist, Jim Crow-era split juries; reforming the criminal justice system; funding our parks and playgrounds; and tightening gun control.

By joining our team, you’ll be:

  • fighting crime while advancing criminal justice reform.

  • ending power grabs from utilities like Cox and Entergy, and making sure essential services like power and internet are affordable and that the companies we regulate serve us first – not their shareholders.

  • growing an equitable economy, including a living wage, a support system for working parents, and resources for small businesses to hire more and pay more.

Learn more about our priorities and about me. I hope we can count on you to join our team.

I’m ready. Are you?


PS: Social media is the best way to keep in touch with the campaign and stay engaged. Make sure to follow us at @jpmorrell on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.


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