Brian Egana Endorses JP Morrell for City Council At-Large, Div. 2

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New Orleans business owner and community leader, Brian Egana, announced his unequivocal endorsement of JP Morrell for City Council At-Large, Div. 2 today, saying:

"JP and I first met as opponents in the 2006 race to serve District 97 in the Louisiana House of Representatives. Though the race was heated and extremely close, our commonality was that we both were passionate about our city and determined to help the community we were vying to represent." 
"JP went on to serve as State Representative of District 97, creating legislation targeted at improving the quality of life for citizens, while I continued entrepreneurial endeavors aimed at revitalization of our city that had been ravished by 2005’s hurricanes. Since then, our 15 years (and counting) of friendship and sole mission of service and dedication to the people, is something I will always cherish."
"For us, it’s all about addition, not subtraction. As I reflect on JP’s career, I can attest to the fact that he’s always been one to bring people together. JP is a bridge builder focused on community outreach and continued revivification of all wards of New Orleans- delivering from the Eastbank to the Westbank, to Uptown, Downtown, and Backatown. He’s fought to add dire necessities and delivered on his promises."

Egana cited Morrell's record of achievement for the people of New Orleans in his endorsement:

"JP fought to bring back a hospital to New Orleans East. When the powers that be decided that all NOLA East residents would get was an Urgent Care Clinic, he stood with the people to get us the hospital we deserved."

"He battled former Gov. Bobby Jindal over the state’s refusal to grant forgiveness for Road Home funds used to help the people within our communities to return home and to rebuild."

Egana also pointed to what Morrell will do once elected to the City Council:

"JP is the only candidate in this race with a Crime Plan.  He understands crime is out of control throughout New Orleans, and has the insight on what the City Council must do to aide in crime prevention." 

"He believes that Crime Cameras, that don’t stop dumping or prevent crimes from taking place, are a waste of money and will redistribute funding to other areas where it can be used more logically."  

"JP knows that areas that were devastated most by Hurricane Katrina were never given the resources and attention from the City to properly come back. He’s from Gentilly, but his roots are embedded throughout the Crescent City. He knows that the time is now for the City to turn a corner, to keep our families safe, to help businesses recover, to lay the foundation for affordable housing, to give our children safe havens to learn and play, and so much more."

Egana concluded:

"JP will work, each and every day, to help improve the quality of life for us to, once more, be able to live, laugh, and enjoy the culture of the city we all love. I trust him, and that’s why I support him.  He is someone that went from being my political opponent, to becoming my friend.   He believes in New Orleans, in what our city can be, and he will work for all our neighborhoods to have equal opportunities."

Brian Egana is the latest to join a growing list of supporters for Morrell, which includes organizer Sabrina Mayswoman's advocate Jenny Greene,  over 200 women leaders and advocates; elected officials, including Sens. Regina Barrow and Joe Bouie and Reps. Aimee Adatto FreemanJason Hughes, and Former Rep. Patricia Smith; as well as progressive organizations, such as the Independent Women’s Organization (IWO)AFL-CIOUNITE HERE, Voters Organized to Educate (VOTE), International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), and Southeastern Louisiana Chapter of the National Association of Building and Constructions Trades (NABTU).   


How to invite your friends to ‘like’ JP on Facebook


JP Morrell Received IWO's Sole Endorsement for City Council At-Large, Div. 2