Film Industry Union & Building Trades Endorse JP Morrell

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Today, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) and the Southeastern Louisiana Chapter of the National Association of Building and Constructions Trades (NABTU) announced endorsements for  JP Morrell for City Council At-Large, Division 2. 

“We’re excited to give our sole endorsement to JP Morrell for City Council At-Large, Division 2!  Without the leadership of JP in Baton Rouge there would be NO FILM, DIGITAL MEDIA, or RECORDING TAX CREDIT!   During the Jindal Administration the Louisiana Legislature tried, repeatedly, to end these programs to protect the corporate giveaways during the fiscal crisis.  JP fought and beat them every time,” said Phil Locicero, the International Vice President of IATSE and the President of IATSE 478.  “He knows what it will take to diversify the economy of New Orleans because he’s been the one already doing it!   The growth of the tech industry, the recording industry and the film industry have made our economy MORE resilient, and JP will be a LEADER on the New Orleans City Council continuing to grow a sector of the economy that will provide great jobs for our working families!”

"It’s not just about what JP has done, like saving the Louisiana Film Tax Credit Program, reforming it so big ticket actors pay taxes upfront, and fixing the recording tax credit for our local artists!  He’s been a leader who has fought for New Orleans to get it’s fair share of taxes and resources when other parts of the state were trying to take them away!"

"It's also about what JP WILL DO. He will work with unions, schools, and the City’s Office of Economic Development to create a pipeline to skilled trades to give young people access to high-paying jobsthrough apprenticeship and education. JP will ensure that our culture bearers, local artists, and studios have access to all of these programs by making the City create outreach programs to link everyone together! And he will continue to deliver more new industries to New Orleans, as Councilmember, to diversify our economy in ways that provide high paying jobs for working families."

"We support JP because he isn’t another politician who just talks about ideas.  He is a leader who has actually delivered.  He stabilized our budget while fostering entirely new industries in New Orleans.  We need his leadership on the City Council!"

The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its territories and Canada is the union representing the working families in the movie industry. Our members work in all forms of live theater, motion picture and television production, trade shows and exhibitions, television broadcasting, and concerts as well as the equipment and construction shops that support all these areas of the entertainment industry. We represent virtually all the behind-the-scenes workers in crafts ranging from motion picture animator to theater usher.

"The Southeast Louisiana chapter of the North American Building Trades Union (NABTU), representing the 15 Building Trades Unions, is announcing JP as our sole pick for New Orleans City Council At-Large Division 2!" said Andy O'Brien, NABTU President/Executive Secretary. "He’s been a proven ally to working women and men of labor throughout our state and has always led in the fight for fair wages and equity."

"JP has accomplished so many things in his time as a leader in the State Legislature. He fought with Governor Edwards and Congressman Carter to raise the minimum wage for everyone! JP fought corruption by preventing big companies that bribe officials from keeping their contracts! And he led in the battle for New Orleans to get its Fair Share of tourism tax dollars!"

"We are eager to work with JP as our next Councilmember At-Large to fight to fix the broken procurement process that has led to companies doing shoddy infrastructure work that has to be fixed over (and over) again; to prevent developers from abusing the process for permits and regulations to build dangerous buildings that endanger the public and lead to tragedy; and, to create true accountability by creating an online public dashboard through which EVERYONE can access and track all construction projects in New Orleans. This will include information like how long your street has been broken, how many change orders they’ve submitted, and when the construction is supposed to end!"

"NABTU is all in for JP and we hope you’ll join us in working for change this fall!"

These 16 unions add to a growing list of endorsements for Morrell, including Voters Organized To Educate (VOTE); over 200+ Women leaders, and elected officials: Sen. Joe Bouie, Rep. Aimee Adatto Freeman, Rep. Jason Hughes, and former Rep. Patricia Smith, among many others.


JP Morrell Received IWO's Sole Endorsement for City Council At-Large, Div. 2


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