Jennifer Greene Announces Support For JP Morrell

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New Orleans attorney, advocate for equity and Co-Founder of Emerge Louisiana*, Jennifer Greene, has spent years working on issues that impact women and families. 

“I'm supporting JP because he has been in the trenches with me for years fighting for women’s rights and gender equality. He’s been a leading advocate for Equal Pay, year after year, and has been standing with us, shoulder-to-shoulder, as we tackle the persistent and pernicious inequities that face the women of Louisiana.”

JP’s record on advocating for gender equity speaks for itself. He authored important legislation to protect women from retaliation for seeking equal pay; to end pay secrecy that allowed employers to conceal the level of discrimination in pay; and, to expand the Louisiana Equal Pay Act to apply to the private sector where most of us work." 

“I am confident that JP will bring that same commitment to equity to city government. As our next Councilmember, JP will champion diversity and transparency at all levels of  government; and continue to be an ally for gender equality, including Equal Pay, Pay Transparency, and inequities that prevent women from achieving economic security.”

“JP is a proven, effective advocate for women's issues. It's the reason Emerge Louisiana named him Male Ally of the Year in 2018* and why LIFT Louisiana honored him with the inaugural RBG Award in 2019. I'm confident he will bring his energy, experience, and drive to help solve the problems that plague our city and lead us into a future where it won't be so hard to live in the place we love.”

Greene adds to a growing list of Morrell’s supporters, including the AFL-CIO and UNITE HERE; Voters Organized To Educate (VOTE); over 200+ Women leaders, and elected officials: Sen. Joe Bouie, Rep. Aimee Adatto Freeman, Rep. Jason Hughes, and former Rep. Patricia Smith, among others.

“Jenny is a powerhouse in Louisiana politics who has been responsible for elevating women and women’s issues,” said Morrell. “She’s a trusted advisor, and I’m proud to have her support as we look to drastically improve the lives of women across New Orleans. They are underpaid, overworked, and under-supported – problems made exponentially worse during the pandemic. We’re going to change that.”

*Emerge Louisiana does not endorse or fund any candidate in any election. This is not an endorsement of Mr. Morrell by Emerge Louisiana in this race.


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