Sabrina Mays Endorses JP


Advocate, Community Organizer, Culture Bearer and JP's 3rd/4th Grade teacher at McDonogh #15

Advocate, Community Organizer, Culture Bearer and JP's 3rd/4th Grade teacher at McDonogh #15, Sabrina Mays, announced her endorsement of JP Morrell for City Council At-Large, Division 2.

"I’m excited to endorse JP," said Mays. "As an advocate for the homeless, children and education for over 30 years, I know firsthand that protecting our children and our families is one of the primary responsibilities of the government.  Also, as someone who has fought tirelessly to protect our culture and culture bearers, I know when someone is really committed to protecting New Orleans from ongoing out-of-state gentrification and preserving our close knit community of neighborhoods."

She continued, "It's not only about what JP HAS DONE, like reforming how the state incarcerates kids by creating accountability in the system and more opportunities for rehabilitation; like creating equity for kids in custody by leveling the playing field for the public defenders; like ending the practice of government publicizing the criminal records of murder victims, further traumatizing families; and, like fighting the NRA to keep our kids and families safe from illegal guns on parade routes!"

"It’s also about what JP WILL DO, like recreating the New Orleans Recreation Department to work for ALL parks throughout the city, not just the ones in nice neighborhoods; tackling the housing crisis that is a combination of rising costs, low housing stock, too few rentals and the growth of illegal Short Term Rentals; ENDING attempts to move City Hall to the Municipal Auditorium and finding the funds to protect this landmark in Treme; and, defending our culture bearers from being forced out of our community by getting Affordable Housing right and creating a New Orleans Musician and Culture Bearer Crisis Assistance Fund to give assistance during disasters to the essential people that define New Orleans."

"I support JP because I’ve known him his whole life. He’s a son of this city who has never forgotten where he came from, Gentilly – and he feels the pain of our community as this promise of living and raising our families in New Orleans seems to get more out of reach each day.  As a public servant in the State Legislature, he always worked to solve problems and never rested until those problems were solved.  He is what New Orleans needs."

Mays is the latest to join a growing wave of endorsements for JP, which includes the labor unions AFL-CIO and UNITE HERE; criminal justice reform advocates Voters Organized To Educate (VOTE) and elected officials: Sen. Joe Bouie, Rep. Aimee Adatto Freeman, Rep. Jason Hughes, and former Rep. Patricia Smith, among others.

"I'm honored to have the endorsement of a true selfless community servant,"said JP. "As Councilmember, I'll honor her endorsement by working to bring real change to the Council, improving the quality of life for ALL our people."


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Women for JP Announced