Juan LaFonta, New Orleans Tribune, Louisiana Weekly & Data News Weekly Endorse JP Morrell

Attorney, Community Activist and Former Chair of Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus, Juan LaFonta, as well as all three of the premier New Orleans Black-Owned Newspapers – New Orleans TribuneLouisiana Weekly, and New Orleans Data News Weekly – are endorsing JP Morrell for City Council At-Large, Division 2. Early voting is open through Nov. 6, and Election Day is Nov. 13. 

LaFonta said, “JP is what our community needs.  For too long we’ve settled for mediocre leadership.  Leadership that is ‘just good enough’.  We can do better, New Orleans.  JP and I served in the legislature for years, but, before that, we worked together as lawyers.  I can vouch for him because I know him.  JP will deliver on the promises that politicians have made for years but never delivered.  I’m voting for JP because he is a proven leader who knows that problems that face us need to be fixed yesterday.”

The Louisiana Weekly wrote:

“When in the legislature, Morrell served as both a champion of New Orleans and one of the leading figures of reform in this state.  A thoughtful Progressive Democrat, he has often played the role of “go-to” figure in the effort to build coalitions across party and racial lines.

Morrell’s breadth of support citywide is staggering as a result.  He offers workable policy plans from reforming the Sewerage and Water Board, changing energy policy, fixing a dysfunctional budgetary system, and holding the Cantrell Administration to account until the NOPD is restructured (and expanded) to enable police to actually tackle rising violent crime in the city.

It’s not an accident that Morrell was the only candidate for City Council early to oppose the mayor’s effort to move City Hall to Municipal Auditorium.  The former State Senator was the sole local politician who realized the City Council already possesses the complete power to block the Mayor – thanks to its own power over zoning.  This alone justifies Morrell’s election into the presidency of the New Orleans City Council."

The New Orleans Tribune wrote:

"The people of New Orleans deserve council leaders that will fight for them. JP Morrell will bring experience, passion, and a willingness to serve the people to this seat. He is our choice.”

Morrell has also earned the sole endorsement of Data News Weekly in the Council At-Large, Division 2 race.


Dr. Chanel Payne Endorses JP Morrell


Early Voting Locations