Sometimes change seems impossible . . . but that's just the apathy talking.
Violent crime is out of control. The streets are crumbling, half-fixed and not draining. The cost of living here is rising, but what we make stays the same.
These are problems that have plagued our city for years – unaddressed and unfixed. These problems seem impossible, but they are not.
They are the difficult problems that challenge leadership, and good leadership rises to the occasion to show the way forward.
For over 135 years, Louisiana allowed non-unanimous juries. It was a practice rooted in racism that was created to disenfranchise Black juries, perpetuate white supremacy and fill prisons.
Changing this practice was seemingly impossible in a super-majority Republican legislature that was beholden to DAs and Sheriffs across Louisiana.
JP saw an impossible problem and found a solution. A progressive Democratic lawmaker beat the DAs and the Sheriffs and got a supermajority of a the Republican-dominated legislature to come together to change the course of history for our state by passing his Constitutional Amendment to END SPLIT JURIES.
He wasn't done.
JP worked with us to bring the entire State of Louisiana to overwhelmingly pass the Constitutional Amendment, striking SPLIT JURIES FROM THE STATE CONSTITUTION.
Change isn't impossible, it's a challenge. Real leadership sees challenges as opportunities to bring people together to build something new.
New Orleans faces a series of seemingly impossible problems because the old leadership is not up to the challenge. JP has proven that he can achieve the impossible.
Let's work together to make New Orleans work for us.
Don't Wish for Change, Vote for It.