Voters Organized To Educate (VOTE) and former State Representative Patricia Smith (D-Baton Rouge) endorse former public defender and State Senator JP Morrell for New Orleans City Council At-Large


VOTE is a grassroots advocacy group focused on creating change in the criminal justice system.  Rep. Smith is a tireless advocate for Voter’s Rights and authored the landmark bill to restore voting rights to the formerly incarcerated who have returned to their communities. 

"JP Morrell embodies the values and principles of VOTE. He is a TRUE reformer who has fought for our community for equity and justice. JP has led the effort to reform the criminal justice system," said Norris Henderson, the Founder and Executive Director of VOTE and the statewide campaign director for the Unanimous Jury Coalition. 

"He ended unconstitutional split juries and expanded educational opportunities for incarcerated children.  These are just two examples of the dozens of bills JP authored to help our community.  JP is the real deal, and we are excited to work with him as the next City Council At-Large!"

Former Representative Patricia Smith (D-Baton Rouge) also endorsed JP, citing his relentless advocacy for the voiceless and his community-first approach to lawmaking:

I’ve known JP for over a decade.  He’s been a tireless fighter and a voice for the voiceless.  I spent years trying to restore voting rights to those who had served their time but were being denied their basic right to vote,” said Patricia Smith, former State Representative.  "JP was in the trenches with me, and together we achieved what many thought was impossible.  We helped our formerly incarcerated brothers and sisters get their right to vote back.  I’m endorsing JP because he always does the right thing.  He knows that anything worth doing is hard, and he’s never shied away from the work.”

JP has been a relentless advocate for policies that place people first. He started serving our community as a public defender and later was elected to the State Legislature. While serving, JP championed progressive policies, such as the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and to end the “Pink Tax.” As Chair of the Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Committee, he led negotiations to finally stabilize the state's budget, securing desperately-needed investment in our colleges, universities, and hospitals. JP never backed down from impossible fights when he knew what was best for the people of our city. 

"I am honored to be endorsed by VOTE and Rep. Smith and even more grateful to have their perspectives, ideas, and energy at the table," said JP Morrell. "Pursuing reform of a broken system doesn’t mean we do not continue to seek justice.  The two goals are not mutually exclusive."

"I appreciate feedback that Norris, VOTE and other Criminal Justice Reform advocates contributed to our Crime Reduction Plan.  This plan has generated even more ideas, and dialogue that we will continue to incorporate into our platform. There's much left to be done, but we are off to a tremendous start," Morrell continued. “Rep. Smith has been a mentor and an inspiration.  Her tenacity in doing what’s right, at all costs, has always given me the drive to fight for the same.  I’m humbled by her support."


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